Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Livorno Judeo Arabic Haggadah

"Sefer Erev Pesah"

Prayers before and after Pessah

Segulah spelling according to kabbalah connected with Passover

Haggadah translation to Judeo Arab language

Commentary "Zeher Pessah"

Published by Belforte –in Livorno Leghorn Italy.

No publishing date.

Machzor for Rosh Hashanah

Machzor for Rosh Hashanah

According to Constantinople and Italian Jewry

Printed in Wien

By 1890

With ladino comments.

And commentary for benedictions and halakha.

Addition of law customs and kabbalah

Friday, November 09, 2007

More Zedek

This very rare book is divided into three parts:


2. KUNTERES YOSEF CHEN special homilies by the publication of the book Rabbi YOSEF NACHMIAS.

3. The wording of the Jewish bills in HALACHA and from TALMUD with three interesting important REMEBYS.

Printed at the press of Ya'akov Guedj and Zion Vezan in

TUNIS 1915

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Portuguese Community of Amsterdam in The 17th Century

This long out of print catalog was isued by the Hebrew University National Library in July 1975 for their exhibition on the Spanish-Portuguese community in Amsterdam in the 17th Century. As you can see from the table of contents, this exhibit shed light on their prayer and religious books in spanish, ladino and portuguese, Sabbateanism, Institutions and Societies, Rabbi's, Doctor's and sages, Jewish Gentile relations and so much more.

The book is a great bibliographical reference book and also contains several illustrative reproductions.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Xueta-From Nicolau to Nissan: A Jewish Soul Finds its Way Back Home

The fascinating story of Nicolau Aguilo of Palma de Mallorca, who returned to his Jewish roots and is now a rabbi living in Shilo, Israel.
HaModia Magazine, Passover issue, April 10, 2006
From Nicolau to Nissan: A Jewish Soul Finds its Way Back Home
By Michael Freund

As winter gives way to spring, a warm breeze blows through the air, and Rabbi Nissan Ben-Avraham is busy teaching his young pupils at the Talmud Torah in Shilo, Israel, about the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage over three millennia ago.

By all accounts, it is a familiar scene, one that is repeated throughout the Jewish world in the weeks leading up to Pesach (Passover). A rabbi and his talmidim (students) recall the miracles that G-d performed for His people, who had endured centuries of suffering and persecution before being delivered from exile.

Only for Rabbi Ben-Avraham, the Pesach story resonates far more deeply, and far more personal, than his students might ever possibly imagine.

With his large kipah and flowing tzitzis (ritual fringes), Rabbi Ben-Avraham has traveled a long way - both geographically and spiritually - since his childhood in Palma de Mallorca, off the coast of Spain.

Born in 1957 into a religious Catholic family, his given name at birth was Nicolau Aguilo. "My father was a shopkeeper, in a shop that has been in our family's hands since 1700, at least," he recalls. "Religion was a very important matter for my family. We went to church every week and fulfilled all the religious duties of Catholicism".

But one day, young Nicolau made an off-handed comment that would end up changing his life forever.

Sitting in the car with his mother, they drove down Jafuda (Yehuda) Cresques Street, which was named after a well-known Jewish cartographer who lived in Palma centuries ago. Nicolau pointed to the street sign and giggled, telling his mother, "He was a Xueta!" (a derogatory word in Catalan, pronounced 'shweta', which is used to refer to the descendants of Mallorcan Jews forcibly converted to Catholicism over five centuries ago).

Nicolau's mother then turned to him and said, "Why are you laughing? You, too, are a Xueta."

The disclosure caught Nicolau completely by surprise. "I was stunned. I remember clearly that for several weeks, all I could think about was: 'Me? I am a Xueta?' You have to understand that this was considered a terrible word, a slur."

The more Nicolau thought about the fact that his family had Jewish roots, the more difficult it was for him to grapple with his entirely new sense of identity. "It was very hard for me. In the Mallorcan Christian mentality, Jews and Xuetas are considered such a terrible thing, so I suddenly had to confront the fact that I came from what was viewed as being the lowest and dirtiest of places in the universe."

Those negative attitudes towards Mallorca's Jews and Xuetas were a product of the centuries of anguish and torment that Nicolau's newly-discovered ancestors had been forced to endure from their unforgiving Catholic neighbors.

No one knows precisely when the first Jews arrived in Mallorca, but the Jewish presence on the island is said to date back possibly as far as the 5th century CE.

At the turn of the 14th century, the Jews' situation deteriorated sharply. In 1305, anti-Jewish rioting erupted, and the island's first blood-libel occurred in 1309, when several Jews were falsely accused of murdering a Catholic child. In 1311, Palma de Majorca's synagogue was confiscated and turned into a church, and Jewish property was seized.

The turning point, however, came in 1391, when violent anti-Jewish pogroms swept across Spain. On August 2, the riots reached Mallorca. Many Jews were massacred and entire communities wiped out, while others were forcibly converted, possibly including Nicolau's forefathers.

Subsequently, the Inquisition became particularly active in the area, and there were numerous cases involving converted Jews who had returned to Judaism being burnt alive at the stake. The Church's harsh tactics led additional Jews, who had arrived in Mallorca after the 1391 massacre, to adopt Christianity under compulsion.

Nonetheless, the native Mallorcans never accepted the Jewish converts and began referring to them as Xuetas, which historians believe is related to the Catalan word for pig.

A particularly brutal incident occurred on the island in 1667, when a boatload of Jews on the way to Leghorn anchored off Mallorca on a brief stopover to purchase supplies. The Inquisitorial authorities seized a 16-year old boy from the ship named Jacobo Lopez after receiving information that his parents had been practicing Judaism in secret. After allowing the rest of the ship's passengers to set sail, they tortured Lopez until he confessed. But the young hero refused to renounce his Jewish beliefs, despite the great danger that he faced. Church authorities subsequently burned him alive in January 1675 in front of some 30,000 spectators and onlookers.

As late as 1691, some three hundred years after the forcible conversions, large numbers of Xuetas were tried and executed by the Inquisition for "relapsing" to Judaism. Despite the passage of so many years, many of them had continued to practice Judaism in secret, marrying only among themselves in an effort to keep alive the faith and heritage of their ancestors.

But discrimination against the Xuetas continued well into the 19th century, and legal restrictions against them were formally lifted only in 1931.

Well-known writers such as the Frenchman George Sand in the 19th century, and Englishman Robert Graves in the 20th, wrote about the Xuetas with a great deal of sympathy, lamenting the hatred and bias to which they were subjected by their fellow Mallorcans.

In 1942, the Xuetas had a brush with death, when the Nazis learned of their existence. They are said to have asked Mallorca's bishop for a list of the Xuetas as part of their campaign to eliminate anyone with "Jewish blood". The bishop is said to have sidestepped the request.

Upon learning that he was connected to the beleaguered and long-suffering group known as Xuetas, Nicolau faced a wrenching choice: to embrace his Jewish birthright or discard it entirely.

But despite his youth, he went on to make a very mature, and ultimately a very significant, decision.

"After some months, I decided to accept the fact as it is, and it was then that I started to research my roots, and to learn more about Jewish history."

Slowly, and somewhat furtively, Nicolau took his first steps on the journey back to his people.

He began reading everything he could find about Jews and Judaism and started visiting Palma's small synagogue every week for Shabbos services. The synagogue, which was maintained by Jewish expatriates from abroad, treated Nicolau well, but he didn't dare to tell his parents what he was doing.

"The way was long and hard, but the Mallorcan Jewish community treated me very well," he remembers. "I got a first-hand experience of the Jewish Sabbath and Jewish culture."

After learning that Jews wear "a special cap" (i.e. a kipah), Nicolau decided he wanted to cover his head, but he was not yet ready to do so in a demonstrative manner. "So I went to my grandma and asked her for a snow hat, so she knitted me a nice one."

"I didn't dare to wear it everywhere," he says, "but on outings such as Scouts' trips or at the synagogue, I was able to appear with my new kippa."

As his attachment to Judaism grew, however, Nicolau found himself facing more and more unexpected difficulties and challenges from his surroundings.

"I was determined to observe as much of Judaism as I could, despite the poor possibilities for doing so in Mallorca, where most of the meals are based on pork or rabbit, both of which are explicitly forbidden by the Torah," he says.

And then there were other issues to face, such as his parents and his schooling. "At that point, I wasn't yet able to explain to my parents all the norms of Judaism. Even after revealing to them my new faith it was quite hard to explain that it requires a new diet and a new atmosphere."

At school, where classes in the Catholic religion were mandatory, Nicolau requested an exemption, which prompted an angry response from the administration. "I asked to be released from the class, but then one of the teachers threatened to expel me from the school." Somehow, his parents managed to intervene and get Nicolau off the hook.

After realizing that his best option for returning to Judaism lay in Israel, he decided that he would make aliyah. He completed his compulsory military duty in Spain and then worked for a short time to earn some money so that he could purchase a plane ticket to the Jewish state.

That, too, proved to be a transformative experience for him. "From the moment I sat on the plane to Tel Aviv, I decided that I'd eat only kosher food," he says.

He arrived in Israel with no specific plans, but he eventually made his way to a religious kibbutz, where he began studying Judaism and Hebrew more intensively.

Nicolau's first visit to Jerusalem left a deep impact on him. While searching for the entrance to the plaza leading to the Kotel, he inadvertently walked up the ramp leading up to the Temple Mount.

"I went to Shalshelet Street in the Old City and stopped before the gate to the Holy Mountain. I was looking for the Kotel when I suddenly realized that I'm standing at the entrance to the holiest place on earth: Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount."

"And then, I asked myself 'why do we pray down there, at the Kotel, and not here, in front of the site of our Temple?'". He then made his way back down and went to the Wall.

In the spring of 1978, Nicolau underwent formal conversion to Judaism by Israel's Chief Rabbinate, assuming the Hebrew name of Nissan, after the Hebrew month in which he underwent his own very personal spiritual revolution.

But his thirst for Jewish knowledge remained intense, and he continued to study Torah, attending Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav in Jerusalem for two years, Yeshivat Ateret Cohanim for several more, and then the yeshiva in Shilo, where he eventually chose to settle and build a family.

In 1991, he received his semicha (rabbinical ordination) from Israel's Chief Rabbinate, marking the first time in centuries that a Xueta had succeeded in achieving the status of a rabbi. He also became a certified Sofer (religious scribe), preparing the parchments used in religious articles such as Tefillin and Mezuzos.

Initially, the drastic changes in his life were met with opposition by his father, Rabbi Ben-Avraham relates. While his siblings "were very kind to me and very understanding of my decisions, with my parents it was quite different," he says.

His father took his return to Judaism "very hard", and initially did not come to visit. "At the time, my father said that he had to take care of his mother, so he couldn't come".

But after Rabbi Ben-Avraham's first son was born, his mother persuaded her mother-in-law to travel to Israel to see the newborn, which "left my father without a pretext, and he came for his first visit."

Before passing away 15 years ago, Rabbi Ben-Avraham's father sent him a letter, "saying that our ways are not so far from each other," which signaled a degree of acceptance that had previously seemed out of reach.

In recent years, Rabbi Ben-Avraham has authored two books in Catalan aimed at a Xueta audience. One, entitled "Els Anussim", explores the attitude toward Xuetas in the rabbinic literature over the centuries, while the other, "La Por", is a historical novel about the massacre and forced conversion of Majorca's Jews in 1391.

Asked what the future holds for Majorca's Xuetas, who are estimated to number as many as 20,000, Rabbi Ben-Avraham declares that action must be taken to return them to the Jewish people.

"It is clear to me that the Jewish world must reach out to them," he says, "for in my opinion many of them are Jews according to Halacha, since there were no intermarriages among them up until the most recent generation, and there is an uninterrupted tradition regarding their identity from the time of the forced conversions of 1391 up until today."

"But with each passing day," he says, sadly, "there are fewer 'Xuetas' in Mallorca. They mix up with gentiles. The message of Judaism is feeble there and few can hear it."

Each week, despite a hectic schedule that includes learning and teaching Torah and caring for his family of 14, Rabbi Ben-Avraham finds the time to sit down and prepare a commentary on the Parsha in Catalan, which he distributes to various Xuetas back in Mallorca.

"We need a real miracle to bring them back to Judaism," he says. "What a terrible waste it would be from G-d's point of view if, after 600 years of suffering and persecution, the Xuetas would not return to Judaism. Although the Bible tells us that the Jews will return in the manner of "one from a city and two from a family", I am hoping for a broader interpretation of the verse."

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

To be a Sephardic


How many times I have asked myself "How come there are Sefardim within the ranks of the Lubavitch, Breslov, Bobov, etc. "Why, Why?

To be a Sephardic, means to be proud of what our parents and grandparents taught us, to know about our Tzadikim who had and continue to uphold our belief in the Torah.

To name a few, the list is so long, we should remember the Rambam, the Ramban, Rabbi Joseph Caro, Rabbi Haim Luzzato, Rabbi Haim David Azoulay, Rabbi Haim Benatar, Rabbi Amran Bendiwan, Rabbi Shalom Sharabi, Rabbi Yoseph Haim Ben Ish Hai- may their memory lives on forever and whose teachings are alive in so many Yeshivot today.

To be a Sephardi, does have one to forget one’s past? Or, on the contrary, should we not share our heritage with all our brothers and sisters of different customs, without imposing on them our minhagim, as they sometimes do to us.

To be Sephardi, is to make sure that our Tzadikim live forever in our hearts and memories, for if not us, who will ever know about our beloved rabbis from Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and all the Mediterranean countries? We, Sefardim, have the duty, the responsibility, the great privilege to remind ourselves by ways of writing about them (among other things) that our rabbis were and are great rabbis.

Have we read or heard members of other Jewish communities praise a Sephardic Rabbi with all the respect and admiration he deserves? Who, among them, has ever heard about Rabbi Hai Taieb?

Have we ever got, in answer to our "Shabbat Shalom" anything but "Gutt Shabbos"? Why, because our brothers Ashkenazim and Hassidim are very, very proud of whom they are, where they come from, and where they are going! Why, then, do we Sefardim, have not this same pride in being part of a very special community? Have we forgotten how much our parents and grandparents were observant? Was there anyone who forgot to kiss the mezuzah in coming and in going out? And our mothers, did they ever miss going to the hammam, which was in no way less beautiful than the modern mikvah? Our Tzedaka was as valuable as all the small "Puskas" of today.

I remember my father (of blessed memory) and all members of the Jewish Community in Tunis, as well as most certainly in every Sefardic community, made it their obligation to share with less fortunate individuals, and donate the same amount they would spend for their own children, be it for a brit Mila, a henna, wedding, etc… and they did it without any advertisement!

Remember, how we used to help each other, who were neighbors! I recall my mother (of blessed memory), would not think of preparing the Shabbat meal without sharing with a less fortunate neighbor, some of the abundant food my father brought home.

Wake up, Sefardim! We have inherited a fabulous wealth, we must be proud to show it, share it and never forget it. Why is it that our Tzadikim and our Rabbis do not take within Judaism their rightful place?

Wake up, Sefardim. Help the Sefardic Centers in the world and you will see, there are many of them. You might say: "they are not religious for me". So what! Help them to improve, fight for your heritage, do not go elsewhere because they seem better organized or because their hats or kipot are larger than ours! Do not forget that if they do not appreciate us, Sefardim, it is because we do not respect ourselves. Have we forsaken our collective memory?

Wake up, Sefardim, Do you know one single Ashkenazi or other Jew who has joined our ranks and has become a Sefardi, except in the case of a Sephardic man marrying an Ashkenazic woman?

Wake up, Sefardim. Have you heard or seen a single Ashkenazi or Hassid wearing a "Djelaba"? This djelaba is a perfectly modest garment that reminds us of the way Sefardim used to live. Then why should we wear their black hats?

Wake up, Sefardim. Have you ever heard or have you seen the other Jews genuinely interested in our minhagim (customs) before they would enroll you in theirs?

And now, wake up, Sefardim. Listen and look for the best side of other Jews, see how they love their country (present or former), how they give tzedaka, how they support the yeshivot they help build. And instead of joining them, why not emulate and STAY SEFARDIM? Do not choose the easy way out, fight for your rightful inheritance, it is such wealth!

Wake up, Seafardim. Are we ashamed of our memory? Have the rest of the Jewish community succeeded in making us second-class Jews? If we are perceived as impulsive, loud, vulgar, shouldn’t we prove them wrong instead of joining their ranks? We must be proud and stay Sefardim with all our impulsiveness, loudness because we are alive and we have a passion for life! Do not take the easy road, fight for your Sefardism, we have every reason and right to be so proud!

Wake up, Sefardim. Have you ever attended a lecture or a Dvar Torah in an Ashkenazi synagogue, where the lecturer was sephardic?

Wake up, Sefardim. Instead of wasting time finding faults with ourselves, let's hold our heads high and show the world what we are capable of accomplishing. Wake up, Sefardim. How many Ashkenazim are learning in a Sefardic Yeshiva? And how many Sefardim are learning in Ashkenazi Yeshivot?

What, have we lost all our pride? The Spanish Inquisition was then for nothing? The "galout" in the Mediterranean countries was also for nothing? We have forsaken our inheritance in one or two short generations.

Wake up, Sefardim! Have you checked your mezuzot lately? Are they vertical on the doorposts, as it is customary with us? And how about your tzitzit and tefillin. Are you sure they are Sefardic? There is a marked difference you know!

One cannot conclude without giving a "Kol Hakavod" to our brothers and sisters of the other Jewish Communities for having kept so firmly their traditions!

I have a dream and it is that this message will have an impact on the heart of every Sefardi and we all hope and pray that Ribbono Chel Olam will open for each one of us the Heavenly doors, according to our minaghim. Amen.

Josiane Luna Abitbol Marchand


Monday, August 20, 2007

Rosh Hodesh Elul

Rosh Hodesh Elul Spanish and Portuguese minhag

Beginning with Rosh Hodesh Elul, the Selihot are recited daily at the Arbit service immediately following the Amida. The shofar is blown at the conclusion of the Selihot each evening. The long Selihot is recited in the morning only on the day before Rosh Hashanah and the day before Yom Kippur.

On Saturday nights during Elul, the Selihot is recited after the Yosheb beseter elyon before the Habdalah.

Normally, the Haftarah for Sabbath which is Rosh Hodesh is recited from Isaiah 66:1-24. However, when Rosh Hodesh Elul falls on Shabbat, the Haftarah of Reeh, from Isaiah 54:11-55:5, is recited, with the addition of the first and last verses of the Haftarah for Rosh Hodesh.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sefer Torah Made in Iraq

Torah Scroll

Iraq 1913

The following is an ancient Torah Scroll written upon parchment.

The Torah Scroll is complete from Bereshit until L’Einei Kol Yisrael.

The Torah Scroll is in reasonable condition. The Torah is composed of a few writings all of which are on parchment.

The Torah Scroll arrives from Iraq and it is within a beautifully rare box of a Torah Scroll which also arrives from Iraq.

The box is made of wood and is covered with leather with beautiful rare ornaments appearing upon the leather.

The box is very tall and its height is 1.05 meters.

Writing written upon parchment appears at the top of the box where it is written that the book was donated by the old Iraqi Chaim Shlomo Mizrachi in the year 1917.

The box is slightly broken at its top.

As well, a few ornaments are missing from the box, however, generally, it is in very good condition.

This item is very rare.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Floral parochet

a hand embroidered Parochet (Torah ark cover) was used somewhere in Jerusalem during the British Mandate period in what was known then as Palestine. While the person in whose memory this was made passed on in 1935, it would be safe to say that a bit after he died relatives made this Torah Ark cover. What is unusual about this Parochet is that it was embroidered against a background of green carpet-like material. Here are now the specifics of the design:

Lions are upholding the symbol of the Torah, or Bible which is represented by the 10 commandments. Between their heads is the "crown of the Torah" which is the meaning of the 2 Hebrew letters in acrostic form (Keter Torah). Above the crown are the words "Holy Unto G-d". There's also a beautiful garland of flowers flowing below the lions encasing the names of the donors who were Sefardim.

MEASUREMENTS: 4ft 8 inches (140cm) wide x 5ft 11 inches (178cm) in length.

Monday, June 04, 2007


As Practiced by Spanish and Portuguese Jews

The synagogue is adorned for the Shavuot festival with beautiful floral decorations around the heikhal and the teba. There is an abundance of plants as well freshly cut flowers and greens.

Many families have dairy for their evening meal on Shavuot. Some have dairy during the day on Shavuot as well. Others partake of meat for their festive meals.

In Holland, the regular Tikkun Leil Shavuot would be studied all through the night by some members of the congregation. Here in America, this custom has not been widely observed. The Adra Zuta (as it is called by the Spanish and Portuguese, not Idra Zuta)
would have been recited in Holland as a part of the Tikkun Leil Shavuot.
The ten commandments are read on the morning of Shavuot and the entire congregation stands. The decalogue is read in the special tradicional tune (" High Naum").

On the afternoons of Shavuot, prior to the Minha service, the azharot, composed by the eleventh-century Spanish poet Rabbi Shelomo ben Yehuda Gabirol, and the introductory poem by the twelfth-century poet David ben Eleazar Bekuda, are chanted, verse by verse, by individual congregants. On the first afternoon, the 248 positive commandments, and on the second afternoon, the 365 negative commandments are thus enumerated. On the first afternoon, following the Azharot, the first half of the Scroll of Ruth is recited, with individual congregants singing the verses, and the second half is completed following the Azharot on the second day of Shavuot.
In Parashat Naso, the distribution of the aliyot according to the Spanish and Portuguese tradition is as follows: The kohen receives the first aliyah, Numbers 4:21-4:33. The Levi is called for Numbers 4:34-49. Shelishi is called for Numbers 5:1-6:27 (until the end of the Priestly Benediction). Revii is called up for Numbers 7:1-11. Hamishi is for Numbers 7:12-41. Shishi is Numbers 7:42-71. Shevii is from Numbers 7:72 to Numbers 7:89 ( the conclusion of the parashah). Maftir is Numbers 7:87-89.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Blue parochet

This Vintage Textile Velvet Parochet Torah Holy Ark NR LOOK!, Was made by a Jewish artist. The parochet was donated by the children of the Shaltiel family for the memory of their parents. The item is carrying inscriptions in Hebrew made with embroidery of golden threads. The item is very well kept.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Los Salmos en Ladino

This is the entire Book of Psalms in the ladino language. It was printed in Constantinople, Turkey in 1885. The book has 217 pages and is small as books go measuring 4 1/4 x 6 inches.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

Hilulah day II 27 of Adar Rabbi isaac Aboab da Fonseca

Isaac Aboab da Fonseca "The Hacham of Recife"
February 1st, 1605 -Portugal

April 4th, 1693- Holland

was a rabbi, scholar, kabbalist and writer.

In 1656, he was one of several elders within the Portuguese-Israelite community in the Netherlands who excommunicated Baruch Spinoza for the statements this philosopher made concerning (the nature of) God.

Isaac Aboab da Fonseca was born in the Portuguese town of Castro d'Ayre as Simao da Fonseca, a Christian name. His parents were Maranos, Jews who had forcefully been converted to Christianity. However, although the family had converted to Christianity, life was still to a great deal uncertain. When Isaac was seven, the family moved to Amsterdam. From that moment on, the family reconverted back to Judaism, and Isaac was raised Jewish from that moment on. Together with Manasseh ben Israel, he was given lessons by Isaac Uziel, a scholar.
At the age of 18, Isaac was appointed rabbi (chacham) for Beth Israel, one of three Sephardic communities which existed at that point in Amsterdam.

In 1642, Aboab da Fonseca was appointed rabbi at the Dutch colony of Pernambuco (Recife), Brazil. Most of the white inhabitants of the town were Sephardic Jews from Portugal who had been banned by the Inquisition to this town at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. In 1624, the colony had been occupied by the Dutch. By becoming the rabbi of the community, Aboab da Fonseca was the first appointed rabbi of the Americas. However, during the time he was rabbi in Pernambuco, the Portuguese re-occupied the place again in 1654, after a struggle of nine years. Aboab da Fonseca managed to return to Amsterdam after the occupation of the Portuguese.
Back in Amsterdam, Aboab da Fonseca was appointed chief rabbi for the Sephardic community. In 1656, he was one of several scholars who excommunicated famous philosopher Baruch Spinoza. During the reign of Aboab da Fonseca, the community flourished; the Portuguese synagogue (the Esnoga) was inaugurated on August 2th 1675 (10 Menachem 5435).
On April 4th 1693, Isaac Aboab da Fonseca died at the age of 88 in Amsterdam.

May the merit of the tzaddikim Hacham Isaac Aboab da Fonseca protect us all, Amen.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Purim: As practiced by Spanish and Portuguese Jews

Purim: As practiced by Spanish and Portuguese Jews

Shabbat Zakhor is marked by the complete recitation of the poem by Rabbi Yehuda Halevi entitled Mi kamokha, which is
inserted immediately after the words Mi kamokha in the Shacharit service before Mazil ani mehazak mimenu in the middle of the Nishmat. They do not consider this as an interruption in the prayer (hefsek). The concluding stanza in each chapter of the Mi kamokha is first chanted by the entire congregation, and then these four lines are repeated by the hazzan. The Sabbath of Parashat Zakhor is thus also referred to by the Spanish and Portuguese Jews as Shabbat Mi kamokha.

The reading of the megillah is a special occasion enhanced by the richly decorated cases in which the megillot are contained. Some of the megillah parchments are illuminated with decorative motifs or pictures illustrating the story of Esther. During the Megillah reading in Shearith Israel (which has long excluded from its services any disturbing or disrupting features, even on that evening), the reading of Purim story proceeds uninterrupted amidst a quietly relaxed, happily smiling congregation. The few who do knock with their feet at the mention of Haman's name are discouraged from doing so. This is in keeping with the overall spirit of decorous worship in the sanctuary at all times.

The hazzan who reads the Megillah is flanked by seganim on either side of him who help with the folding of the Megillah in the form of an iggeret (letter), as is traditional.

After the entire Megillah has been read, the hazzan repeats Layehudim hayeta ora vesimeha vesason vikar (Esther 8:16), the congregation repeats it after him, and then the Megillah is rolled up.

Following the reading of Megillah, the hazzan recites the berakha,Harab et ribenu and continues with arur Haman, to which the congregation responds, Barukh Mordekhay. He then says, Arura Zeresh , to which they respond, Barukha Esther. He continues with Arurim Hareshaim, to which the congregation replies, Berukhim Kol Yisrael. Then the Hazzan concludes with Vegan Harbona, to which the congregation responds, Zakhur letob.

The Sheheheyanu is recited only in the evening reading of the Megillah and not the following morning.
It was the tradition to provide money for the poor on Purim and to make a contribution to everyone who put out his hand on that day seeking aid. In addition, the traditional Mishloah manot are given to family and friends.
The Spanish and Portuguese tradition is devoid of the high- spirited fun and frolic which takes place among the other communities on this day. This is in keeping with the time-honored tradition of sedate observance for which Holland and the Spanish and Portuguese Jews have long been known.

An interesting difference between the American Spanish and Portuguese tradition and that of Holland is that here the Megillah is read in the morning, while the Sefer Torah remains on the teba. In Holland, the Sefer Torah is first returned to the ark, and only then is the Megillah read.
If Purim should fall on Saturday night, the Spanish and Portuguese tradition is to read the Megillah first and then recite Habdalah.

This differs from the tradition of other Sephardim, who follow the teaching of the Aburdarham in this matter.
When Purim starts on Saturday night, the service begins with LeDavid barukh and Lamenazzeah (Psalms 144 and 67), followed by Psalm 22, Lamenazzeah al ayelet hashahar mizmor leDavid.

The Spanish and Portuguese tradition follows that of all other Sephardim in repeating the last verse of Vayabo Amalek in the Torah reading in order to complete ten verses of the Torah, which is the minimum which one should be permitted to read from the Torah.

The mahazit hashekel is given on Purim in the evening or during the day by placing the money into the small boxes attached to the teba. There is no tradition of taking three coins and lifting them (to make a kinyan) for the mahazit hashekel, but they simply put money into the little boxes for charity.
Leilui Nishmat Clotilde Nicolau Pereira A"H
Leilui Nishmat Jose Simplicio da Silva A"H

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Chumash in Ladino/Judeo-Spanish/Djudezmo/Espanyolit

Chumash in Ladino/Judeo-Spanish/Djudezmo/Espanyolit

5 books of the Torah, in Hebrew and Ladino translation. Printed in Constantinople ( Istanbul) 1880.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hilulah Day: Shevat-4

Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah - The Baba Sali

Born: Tafillalt, Morocco,1890

Died: Israel, 1984

Popularly known as "Baba Sali" (our praying father).

Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah, was of a well-known rabbinical dynasty. His grandfather was the famous tzaddik, Rabbi Yaakov Abuchatzeirah. He had great skill in Talmudic interpretation and many of his halachic decisions were accepted and took root among his followers. He was regarded as someone who possessed the Ruach Hakodesh or "Divine Spirit". Although still very young, people flocked to R' Yisrael for blessings for their parnassa (income), family, and health. Consequently he became known as "Baba Sali," (our praying father) because of the prayers that he would invoke on behalf of those who sought out his guidance.

One day, young Yisrael's father told him, "My child, you have a great power to bless people which you cannot measure. Your words can bring great help to men. From now on, you must use this power to say good things about others and to bless them."

Young Yisrael gave his word. Soon it became known that the blessings of this young child brought miraculous results. He became famous as Baba Sali. A master of the Kabbalah and a great Torah Sage, he took over his father's position as head of the yeshiva and Rabbi of the community. Although he regularly gave many lectures in Torah and kabbalah, he did not permit his students to write them down because he wanted his scholarship to remain unknown. Nevertheless, his fame as a holy man and a righteous Tzaddik continued to draw Jews to him from all over. Even Arabs came to receive his blessings and the coins he gave for charity.
At 19 he was inducted as the Rosh Hayeshiva, after his father's death. After an extended one year trip to Erets Yisrael he returned, and was compelled to take the position of Rav of the kehilla (community) after the murder of his brother by an Arab. He gave daily lectures, served as a judge in the beit din (rabbinical court), and set the tone for the kehilla. The community appreciated that nothing escaped his holy, penetrating eyes. From throughout Morocco, people converged on his home for his brachot (blessings), his counsel, and his encouragement.
In 1964 when Baba Sali noted that much of Moroccan Jewry had emigrated to Eretz Yisrael, he followed them to fulfill his dream of settling there. Baba Sali chose Yavne as his home because many of his followers had settled there.

In 1970 he moved to Netivot where he was steadily visited by Chassidim, Ashkenazim and Sephardim who sought his unique counsel. He stressed emunah (faith), humility, ahavat Yisrael (love of fellow Jews) and kiyum hamitzvot (fulfillment of mitzvot). His phenomenal memory allowed him to access information at will, whether it dealt with law, Talmud, Kabbalah,etc.
He was very humble and did not want to attract attention, however, his prophetic powers and his miraculous prayers soon became renowned. Thousands of Jews from all over the world would come to seek his advice and blessings for children, health, and livelihood. Baba Sali was very close to other great Torah scholars, especially the Lubavitcher Rebbe , whom he referred to as "the Great Eagle in the Heavens." He strongly encouraged the Rebbe's Mitzvah campaigns, especially urging young girls to light candles for Shabbat and Yom Tov.

The Power of Prayer

A story of the Baba Sali as heard from R' Moshe Aharon Stern of Jerusalem

There was once a simple Israeli worker from Jerusalem, who, though he had been married a long time, had never been blessed with children. He had been to all the specialists, but to no avail. "Hair will grow on the palm of your hand before you see a child," the doctors had told him. After years of hope and despair, he had almost given up. Then he heard about the great miracles wrought by the prayers of Rabbi Israel Abuchatzira.

With an expectant heart, the man traveled several hours from Jerusalem to Netivot, to the home of the Baba Sali. When he arrived, he found a long line of petitioners already ahead of him, and had to wait hours before entering to receive a blessing. Finally, his turn arrived. He entered the tzaddik's room, nervous, eyes downcast, clutching a small piece of paper on which he had written his only request: Children! He sat down and placed the paper on the table before the Baba Sali. The tzaddik opened it, then put it down. "Matzav avud," was all he said. "A lost case." Before he could open his mouth, the man had been whisked out of the chamber by the attendants to make room for the next petitioner. Shocked, brokenhearted, he returned to his home.

The next day, however, when the people began lining up for blessings, there he was again. Again he waited several hours. Again he entered, put his slip of paper on the table, and again he heard the same terrible answer -- "a lost case." Yet, when the next day arrived, there he was again, and the next day again! Every single day, as long as the Baba Sali was receiving people for blessings, the man would be there in line, at times waiting hours. And always he would hear the same sad answer, "a lost case."

Finally, after almost a year, the family of the Baba Sali took pity on this man and approached the great saint with their request. "Rabbeinu Israel," they said, "this poor man has been coming to you for a year straight now, and every time you give him the same answer. Can't you tell him to stop coming already? It's much too heartbreaking to continue." "How long has it been?" Rabbi Abuchatzira inquired. "We've counted, today is his two hundredth visit." The Baba Sali agreed to talk with him. That afternoon, the man entered the room as usual and placed his slip of paper on the table before the Baba Sali. This time, the tzaddik did not even pick it up.

"Listen, my friend," he said gently. "You have been coming to me every day for a very long time. Haven't I already told you that it is a lost case. Go home, why do you insist on coming to me?" The man lifted his eyes. "I come to you every day, and I will keep coming to you every day, because I believe in the power of prayer, and I believe that God listens to your prayers, and that you are the only one in the world who can help me."

"Do you really believe that?" the Baba Sali responded. "If so . . ." he rose from chair, "go out right now and buy a baby carriage!" The man gave a start. He jumped up and ran out of the room. "I got a blessing! I got a blessing!" he cried. That night he presented his wife with a beautiful new baby carriage. Nine months later, they had a child.

The New Mikveh

by Rav Moshe Weber, Shlita

Near the home of Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah we built a new mikvah, during the month of Tamuz, in the midst of the dry, hot summer. When the structure was complete, we lacked water - rain water, of course, in order to finish the mikvah. Our master, the Baba Sali, lifted his eyes to Heaven, and proclaimed, "Master of the universe - You commanded us to behave in holiness and purity. So, we desire to fulfill Your will. Please, please, for the sake of Your great name, let it rain!"

Suddenly, clouds gathered in the sky, and instantly, rain fell! In no time at all, the mikvah filled with water. However, we realized that the mikvah was not quite built according to the opinion of the Beit Yehuda, so we informed our master, our teacher, the Baba Sali. Immediately, he ordered us to drain the mikveh. Someone raised an objection - "It does not rain like this in the middle of the summer ," they said. "This is a rare miracle!" He turned to Baba Sali, and said, "I take it upon myself, the sin, that this mikvah is not perfect, built according to the opinion of the Beit Yehuda."

But our teacher, our master, the Baba Sali, stood firm, replying, "we are obligated to empty the mikveh." So, we drained the mikvah, and completed the design according to the Beit Yehuyda, in splendor and perfection.

The Baba Sali then raised his eyes to Haven again, and beseeched of Hashem: "Master of the universe, you know very well that we made this mikveh not for my honor, or the honor of my father, but rather, only to increase the increase purity among Israel, Your people. Please, don't turn Your face from us, and let it rain! Let the mikveh will with fresh, new rain water..." Then, as before, in the midst of the dry, scolding summer, the sky darkened... clouds gathered... and rain began to fall.

The Baba Sali wrote many discourses about the Torah, Shavuot, Shabbat HaGadol, Shabbat Zachor and the power of tzdaka. Baba Sali was laid to rest in Netivot. An estimated 100,000 were there to pay their respects to a tzadik who had devoted his life to his people. Still today his grave is a place visited everyday.

May the merit of the tzaddik Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah - The Baba Sali protect us all, Amen.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Antique Parochet


Monday, January 15, 2007

Tres Klavinas en un Tiesto

Sinagoga Santa Maria La Blanca Toledo-Espana

Tres Klavinas en un Tiesto

Tres Klavinas en un Tiesto
Una blanka i una roz
La d'ermedio es kolorada
Empesijo d'el amor

Kuzum Minnush, Minnush

A la mar yo me vo echar
Un pishkado va aferrar
Siete novyas vo kitar
Yo a ti te va tomar

Kuzum Minnush, Minnush

A los sielos va suvir
A las sietes tabakas
Flesha d'oro vo echar
Ande kaye es mi mazal

Kuzum Minnush, Minnush

Suzy Turkiya/Israel

Tuesday, January 09, 2007




I looked all my life for love
I was sailing a wandering ship
I crossed continents and sea

sand didn't find a loving woman
In a small port on the shores of Portugal
she waited in the lighthouse
The waves brought me luck and
I found a safe land with her


She will come back tonight
like a butterfly to the light -
I am like a guest there
Tonight it is important I know I have found love
She took me to the village alley
sand said: "we will live here for ever
You have sailed enough for me -
be a husband to me, not a guest"
For you my love I will sell the ship I'll build a lovers' lighthouse
Surrounded by gold walls


Chipasti ahava kol hachayim
hiflagti al sfina nodedet
Chatziti yabashot vegal yamim
velo hayta isha ohevet

Benamal katan bachof shel Portugal
al migdalor hi sham chikta li
Galey hayam heviu li
mazal chof mivtachim etzla matzati

Shuv halayla hi tashuv
kmo parpar laperach ani etzla ore'ach
Shuv halayla ze chasuv
achshav ani yode'a shematzati ahava

El simta'ot hakfar lakcha oti
amra li kan nichye lanetzach
Hiflagta kvar maspik lema'ani
tehyeh li ba'al velo ore'ach

Lema'anech hakol ahuvati
et hasfina emkor achshav
Evne lach migdalor shel ohavim
umisvivo chomot zahav

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Out of Spain

Out of Spain

Jerusalem Which Was in Sepharad

A journey through Spain with the fifth president of Israel

Yitzhak Navon

The Spanish connection
The golden age
The balance of terror
The Marranos and the inquisition
The crypto-jews of Portugal ( A)
The crypto-jews of Portugal (B)
The eternal jew of Majorca


8 Episodes


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Chief rabbi letter of Beit Din in Tripoli



By the holy

Uncommon Jewish letter in first class, Impressive official confirmation of SPINSTERHOOD by the holy BEIT DIN of TRIPOLI community in LIBYA.

CONFIRMATION to MARRIAGE for the boy KOINTINO MACHLUF son of YA'AKOV and ROSINA BARCHNATZ, was born in TRIPOLI and for the time being inhabit in EGYPT he is not marriage or engagement relationship with any Jewish woman, is permitted to pursue matrimony.

Original signature of Rabbi YOSEF YONAH the Chief President of a court of TRIPOLI and the signature of BEIT DIN SOFER Scribal, with the official impressive seals (twice) of the Rabbinate, also have a wonderful ITALIAN stamp, because at that time LIBYA was an ITALIAN colony (from 1911).

The letter was written and signed in


We are back at home

Approx. 900,000 Jews were kicked out (with no right of return) of Muslim/Arabs countries all across the middle east and North Africa last ...