Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hilulah Day: Tevet-10

Malachi HaNavi

Born: Eretz Yisrael, (year, ?)

Died: Eretz Yisrael, between 350-300 BCE

A prophet. He has his own book in the Tanach, (Trei Asar/Twelve Prophets).

Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi all prophesied in the second year of [the reign of] Darius (Tractate Megillah 15a).

Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi received the traditions of the Torah from the prophets [before them] (Avot d'Rabbi Natan I).

Malachi is Mordechai. Why is he called Malachi? Because he was second to the king (melech) [and was looked upon as an angel (mal'ach) (Maharsha)]. However the Talmud in Tractate Megillah (p. 15a) concludes that Malachi is Ezra.

The Aramaic translation of the prophets was written by Yonatan ben Uziel, who had heard it [via his teachers (Maharsha, Tractate Megillah 3a)] from Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi (ibid.).

"I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; but the people who were with me did not see" (Daniel 10:7). This [refers to] Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. They were superior to him in that they were prophets [who were sent by God to relate prophesies to Israel] whereas he was not [sent with a prophesy], and he was superior to them in that he saw [the vision] whereas they did not (Tractate Sanhedrin 93b; see Maharsha).

With the deaths of the last prophets - Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi - Divine Inspiration departed from Israel (Tractate Yoma 9b).

May the merit of the tzaddik Malachi HaNavi protect us all, Amen.

Hilulah Day: Tevet-10

Zechariah HaNavi

Born: Eretz Yisrael, (year, ?)

Died: Eretz Yisrael, 313 BCE

A prophet, grandson of Ido the prophet. He has his own book in the Tanach, (Trei Asar/Twelve Prophets).

According to the Ari, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria in Sha'ar HaGilgulim (hakdama 33), Zechariah had the souls of Aharon HaKohen and his sons Nadav and Avihu. He was a cohen, but is not referred to as such, because the main tikkun (soul correction) in this case had more to do with Nadav and Avihu than their father Aharon HaKohen, according to the Ari.

Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi all prophesied in the second year of [the reign of] Darius (Tractate Megillah 15a).

Zechariah prophesied during the Second Temple era (Tractate Sanhedrin 99a).

Zechariah is also called Meshulam, in the book of Nechemia 8:4, because he was perfect (shalem) in his deeds (Tractate Megillah 23a).

"I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; but the people who were with me did not see" (Daniel 10:7). This [refers to] Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. They were superior to him in that they were prophets [who were sent by God to relate prophesies to Israel] whereas he was not [sent with a prophesy], and he was superior to them in that he saw [the vision] whereas they did not (Tractate Sanhedrin 93b; see Maharsha).

Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi received the traditions of the Torah from the prophets [before them] (Avot d'Rabbi Natan I).

The Aramaic translation of the prophets was written by Yonatan ben Uziel, who had heard it [via his teachers (Maharsha, Tractate Megillah 3a)] from Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi (ibid.).

These Mishnahs [not found in our Mishnah] were written by five great righteous men: Shimur the Levite, Chezekiah, Tzedkiah, Chaggai the prophet, and Zechariah son of Ido the prophet. [In addition,] it was they who hid the vessels of the Temple and the treasures of Jerusalem (Ben Ish Chai's Rav Pe'alim p. 16).

Jeremiah was the last of all the prophets. Did Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi not prophesy after him? [Yes, but] they had received these prophecies long before (Midrash Aggadah, Bamidbar 30:15).

With the deaths of the last prophets - Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi - Divine Inspiration departed from Israel (Tractate Yoma 9b).

May the merit of the tzaddik Zechariah HaNavi protect us all, Amen.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Maldisiones en Djudeo-Espanyol -Ladino


por Moshe Shaul"El Dio ke le page !", "Al Diavlo ke se vaya !", "Amudision ke le kayga !"… Estas son algunas de las maldisiones mas konosidas, de las kualas se akodran i se sierven los ke avlan el Djudeo-Espanyol, en momentos de sanya o kuando keren dezbafar, liberarsen de la presion ke amenaza de azerlos "patlear".Ma kuantos de entre estos saven, ke es lo ke tienen de partikular las maldisiones djudeo-espanyolas i porke sus numero es tan chiko, en komparasion kon otras lenguas ?

La verdad es ke no son munchos los ke pueden responder a estas preguntas, entre otras porke este es un tema ke fue menos estudiado i al kual fue menos tokado en los livros ke tratan del Djudeo-Espanyol i de su folklor.

En el mijor de los kavzos le fueron dedikados unas kuantas linyas.Esto no es devido al azar sino ke a la kontra, puede ser konsiderado komo algo ke reflekta bastante fidelmente un aspekto muy karakteristiko de muestra kultura. Los Sefaradis, en efekto, no uzan maldizir o blasfemar o insultar a otros kon la mizma violensia ke azen la mayoria de los otros puevlos, empleando frazas o palavras ke ekspresan klaramente, a vezes brutalmente, lo ke uno pensa de la persona ke kere insultar o lo ke dezea ke le akonteska.

Sigun lo apunto Mihael Molho en su livro "Usos i Costumbres de los Sefardies de Salonico", "… las personas ke se respektavan no azian insultos ni basfemias. Los ke, avlando kon los otros se servian de palavras grosieras, se atiravan la sanya i el menospresio de los otros. Eyos eran konsiderados komo basha djente…"


(Arekojidas en el Atelie djudeo-espanyol de Yerushalayim)

• El Dio ke le* page de negro
• El Dio ke le page de negro sigun lo merese
• El Dio ke lo mate • El Dio ke lo mate i ke lo meta a parte
• El Dio ke se venge de el
• Al diavlo ke se vaya
• El guerko ke se lo yeve
• El guerko ke se lo yeve una vez i buena
• El guerko ke venga por uno i ke se los yeve a todos
• Matado ke lo traygan
• Malogrado (entikiado, achokado, kemado i asado, kemado i tostado) ke lo vea.
• Las tripas kemadas!
• Las manos tuyidas!
• Los guesos rotos!
• Landra ke le de
• Landra kon pinta ke le de
• Ke no le kede gueso sano
• En ginní ginnam* ke se kemen sus guesos
• En el garon ke le kede
• Panariz en la nariz
• Los ojos ke le salgan
• Siego de katarata
• Ida sin vinida
• Ida sin venida, kada paso una kayida
• Nunka ayege a salir de la puerta afuera
• Nunka vea nada de bueno
• Amudision
• Arrematasion
• Arrematasion con negra sision
• Ke se vaya en ora mala
• La estreya ke le kayga
• Negra estreya ke le vea
• Mapala* negra ke le vea
• Mazal* eskuro ke tenga
• Negra anyada le vea
• Pedasos i kuartos ke se aga
• En venteikuatro pedasos ke se aga
• Maldicha sea la ora ke nasio
• Sal i siniza ke se aga
• Ke me vea sin (...fulano)
• Para mortaja...

- Las maldísiones ke son diríjidas kontra alguno de manera personal son dadas aki a la tresera persona singular, aun ke naturalmente pueden ser dichas, en trokando el pronombre, kontra otros tambien.

- Ginnam (Ebreo): Inferno
- Mapala (Ebreo): Kaida
- MazaI (Ebreo): Estreya. suerte


• Ke me muera yo - no
• El Dio ke no te mate (ke no te malogre, ke no te achoke, etc)
• El guerko ke no te yeve

Monday, December 18, 2006

Certificate of authorization for a Shochet

Certificate of authorization for a Shochet (slaughterer)
Rabat -Morroco 1961

The following is a certificate of authorization for a Shochet (slaughterer) which was issued in the city of Rabat in the year 1961.

The certificate has an authorization that Rabbi Ya’ish Bitton
was tested in the city of Maraksh on the laws of slaughtering and he is fit to be a chicken slaughterer.

The Rabbat Rabbis are signed upon the certificate among which is
Rabbi Yitzchak Abuchatzira
from the Kabbalist families.

The certificate also has a stamp of the Jewish court.
Upon the certificate is the picture of the Shochet (slaughterer).

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hilulah Day: Kislev-14

Hillulah Day: Kislev-14

Reuven ben Yaakov Avinu

Born: Aram Naharayim, 1600 BCE.

Died: Egypt, 1445 BCE.

Reuven was the son of Jacob the Patriarch and Leah the Matriarch. He is one of the 12 Tribes.

Yaakov's firstborn Reuven (Genesis 35:23). Reuven was conceived as a result of the first act of relations between Leah and Yaakov and from the first issue of Yaakov's semen, and he was the first to be born [to Leah], his was the genealogical birthright and the birthright of inheritance [he received a double portion of Yaakov's estate and was the first to receive an inheritance in the Land of Israel].

He was designated for the service of God, for until the service was transferred to the Tribe of Levi when the Tabernacle was erected, it was performed by the firstborn, he was the first to do repentance, and even the first to prophesy, as it is written, God spoke first with Hoshea (Hoshea 1:2) [who was descended from Reuven] (Bereishit Rabbah 82:11, Eitz Yosef).

The monetary rights of the firstborn [to receive a double inheritance in the Holy Land] were taken away from Reuven, and given to Joseph, but not the genealogical birthright, as it is written, The sons of Reuven, the firstborn of Israel (Numbers 1:20) (Bereishis Rabbah 82:11).

Reuven [means, see the difference between]. Leah said, "See the difference between my son and my father-in-law's sons, Esav. Although Esav sold his birthright willingly, Esav harbored hatred toward Yaakov (Genesis 27:41), whereas my son surrendered his birthright to Joseph against his will, yet he was not jealous of him. On the contrary, Reuven heard, and he rescued him from their hand" (ibid. 37:21) (Berachot 7b).

"Reuven, you are my firstborn" (Genesis 49:3). Yaakov said to him, "To your credit you are a firstborn and Esav is a firstborn. Esav went to the field to hunt game to bring (ibid. 27:5) - if he would find game to hunt, very well, if not, he intended to bring a stolen animal. You, however, took only that which was ownerless: Reuven went out in the days of the wheat harvest. He found dudaim growing wild in the field and brought them (ibid. 30:14). To your discredit: I, until the age of eighty-four when I married, had never had a nocturnal emission. But you - Reuven went and lay with Bilhah (ibid. 35:22). The birthright was yours, the priesthood was yours, the kingship was yours. Now that you have sinned, the birthright is given to Joseph, the priesthood to Levi, the kingship to Judah." Rabbi Acha said: Yaakov said, "The birthright was never rightfully yours. I went to Lavan only for Rachel. I consorted with your mother on our wedding night, when you were conceived, thinking she was Rachel. Now the birthright has been restored to its rightful owner [i.e., Rachel's firstborn, Joseph]" (Bereishit Rabbah 98:4).

Whoever says that Reuven sinned is mistaken. He tampered with his father's bed, and Scripture considers it as if he lay with Bilhah (Shabbat 55b).

Throughout the lifetimes of Rachel and Leah, the Divine Presence rested upon them. When they died, the Divine Presence did not leave the house but rested on the dwelling of Bilhah. Reuven came and tampered with the bed - that is, he slept on it - and he did not fear the Divine Presence (Zohar I, 175b).

Reuven said, "Father was to have produced twelve tribal ancestors, not more. Now he wishes to beget more more children. Perhaps it is because we are unfit." That is why [Reuven] tampered with the bed. (Zohar I, 176a). Reuven, Shimon, and Levi were the leaders of the Jewish people of Israel in Egypt. After Reuven died, the leadership was given to Shimon (Bamidbar Rabbah 13:8).

Reuben returned to the pit (Genesis 3729). He had been busy with his sackcloth and fasting repenting for his sin with Bilhah. The Holy One, Blessed is He, said to him, "Never has a person sinned before Me and repented unless faced with punishment. You were the first to repent, your descendant shall be the first to speak of the greatness of repentance." This refers to his descendant Hoshea, who said, "Return, O Israel, unto Hashem your God" (Hoshea 14:2) [i.e., repentance reaches unto the very Throne of Glory] (Bereishis Rabbah 84:19).

An example of one who asks with an illogical argument is Reuven, as it is written, Reuven said to his father....." You may slay my two sons if I fail to bring him back to you. Put him in my care" (Genesis 42:37) (Avod d' Rabbi Natan 37:13).

And Yaakov said, "My son shall not go down with you. My firstborn Reuven is an idiot, for he speaks of his sons as if I would not consider them also like my sons" (Bereishit Rabbah 91:13).

"You may slay my two sons" (Genesis 42:37), i.e., place them under ban (Targum Yonatan).

Reuven was buried across the Jordan in Rumia, which Moses gave Reuven's descendants as an inheritance (Sefer HaYashar, end of Yehoshua).

May the merit of the tzaddik Reuven ben Yaakov Avinu protect us all, Amen.

We are back at home

Approx. 900,000 Jews were kicked out (with no right of return) of Muslim/Arabs countries all across the middle east and North Africa last ...