Friday, June 29, 2007

Floral parochet

a hand embroidered Parochet (Torah ark cover) was used somewhere in Jerusalem during the British Mandate period in what was known then as Palestine. While the person in whose memory this was made passed on in 1935, it would be safe to say that a bit after he died relatives made this Torah Ark cover. What is unusual about this Parochet is that it was embroidered against a background of green carpet-like material. Here are now the specifics of the design:

Lions are upholding the symbol of the Torah, or Bible which is represented by the 10 commandments. Between their heads is the "crown of the Torah" which is the meaning of the 2 Hebrew letters in acrostic form (Keter Torah). Above the crown are the words "Holy Unto G-d". There's also a beautiful garland of flowers flowing below the lions encasing the names of the donors who were Sefardim.

MEASUREMENTS: 4ft 8 inches (140cm) wide x 5ft 11 inches (178cm) in length.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just disovered your weblog. Please explain the beautiful items posted, such as the parochet and books. Are you a collector/dealer?

yasher koach,

We are back at home

Approx. 900,000 Jews were kicked out (with no right of return) of Muslim/Arabs countries all across the middle east and North Africa last ...